Our team at BikeSportz is privileged to have some incredibly talented individuals who exhibit a wealth of experience and knowledge in the world of cycling. Among them, our very own Trent Wilson shines as a true asset to our company. As the New South Wales sales representative and account manager, Trent brings to the table a remarkable expertise in the road discipline, which he honed from his younger years when he participated in track events. But Trent's passion for cycling extends beyond just road disciplines. In fact, he is currently immersing himself in the exciting world of BMX as he shares his enthusiasm for the sport with his children. Trent is a true embodiment of the values we uphold in BikeSportz, and we sat down with him for an in-house interview to learn more about the man behind the talent.

Who are you/ What do you do?
I am the NSW sales rep/account manager. My main discipline is road but did some track as a kid. Though am currently heavily involved in BMX at the moment with my kids.
How’d you get started?
Started racing when I was 12yrs old. My dad was a rider and I followed that road.
Tell us about your latest race/ event! Any highlights?
My latest ride was 6 weeks in Italy running 4 back-to-back road tours with my tour company Gruppetto Cycling Tours. Plenty of highlights but the Stelvio is always a winner, and of course the food and wine....
What’s your favourite thing about riding?
I've been riding bikes for over 30 years now, so I probably don't get the thrills as someone new to the sport. It's probably the feeling of feeling fit and healthy after a big block of riding. I also enjoy showing riders around Italy like it's my own backyard, and the look on their face when they have ridden a certain climb or something special.
Any favourite tracks or trails?
I love riding the coast lines of south Italy, and the long climbs of the eastern alps. I also love the views of the Dolomites, but they can be pretty damn steep.
What’s your biggest cycling achievement so far?
The two Giros I finished - 2004/2005.
When you’re not riding, what are you up to?
I’m a bit of a foodie so a nice lunch on a sunny Sunday.